How Omnifique is Changing the Narrative

At Omnifique, we pride ourselves on pushing the standards and defying the status quo to design and craft money-can’t-buy experiences so excellent and unforgettable, it’s impossible to go back. This means re-writing the handbook on what’s expected from a company focused on the world’s highest achievers’ private moments.

What is the pain point that Omnifique is addressing?

Our discerning clients don’t compromise on excellence in the boardroom – we make sure they don’t compromise on excellence outside it. Our offer meets and exceeds those standards while also allowing our guests to create unforgettable memories. We’re professionals with experience in the corporate world, catering to the world’s highest achievers, bringing executive-level expertise to an industry traditionally ruled with a lax mindset. 

What drove you to start Omnifique?

The high-end leisure sector has been vastly ignored by true consummate professionals, although it does cater to high achievers from other industries whose time is the most valuable in the world. When they have free time to truly unwind, they shouldn’t have to leave it up to fate that everything will work out. A spotless property, fresh, high-quality sheets, an outstanding chef, a certified boat captain, no homeowners clothes in the closet, vaccinated housekeeping staff, and on and on – everything one would expect from a premium, 5-star hotel. We run our business as our clients run theirs. They are in finance, tech, law, and we are in the leisure travel business: same standards, different industries.

What do you think makes your company stand out? Can you share a story?

We go above and beyond for our clients. We’re always available yet completely invisible. We understand time is their most valuable commodity. That’s why we make sure to sweat the small stuff, so they don’t have to. This can mean finding the exact model of a rowing machine and shipping it overnight or covering all of the emergency lights from the smoke detectors in a 10,000 sq ft vaulted ceiling property so they don’t bother our guests.

A few years after Omnifique was founded, what drives you now?

The absolute most significant thing I’ve faced is what has made and will continue to make this company so great. There is no manual. Nobody has done this before. And we are creating everything – not from scratch – but from our team’s collective knowledge. We are PIONEERS. Paving the way for ourselves and others that will follow. We’re creating something out of nothing: a process, a system, a work ethic, turning high-end leisure into science.

What causes motivate you and your team?

We are working hard to bridge the wage gap in general and specifically (eventually) between female and male billionaires. While researching our target audience, we realized that they were primarily men. And we had to do something about it! It’s a long-term goal, but something that keeps us motivated daily.

What is it about being an entrepreneur that excites you?

The absolute most significant thing I’ve faced is what has made and will continue to make this company so great. There is no manual. Nobody has done this before. And we are creating everything – not from scratch – but from our team’s collective knowledge. We are PIONEERS. Paving the way for ourselves and others that will follow.

As a female entrepreneur, have you ever felt at a disadvantage?

Oh yes. Too many times to count. Having a client call another senior manager and me “girls,” folks asking to speak with my boss – assuming a male is at the top. In financial negotiations, it’s been prevalent. But we’re paving the way for future generations.

What are some tips you can share for fellow female entrepreneurs?

I believe tomorrow will be better than today, and the only person in control over that is ME. I love the Latin word: Quantuvis – which translates to “greatness is an option.” You are the only person in control over your destiny.

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