Ocean Ramsey: Powered by a Passion For Conservation

Photo credit: Juan Oliphant 

The video starts with a blue screen. It looks clear and quiet. Suddenly we realize we’re looking at underwater footage. In the top left corner of the screen, a shark appears. We later learn it’s a 20 feet long female white shark, the largest ever recorded on camera. Like any shark, it seems menacing. Suddenly, someone is free diving next to him. It’s a woman wearing a wet suit with a print that mimics the movement of water and light. It’s impossible not to compare her to a mermaid: the way she swims, how her long fins resemble a tail. Gracefully, she moves closer to the shark and caresses its pectoral fin. It looks like she is guiding it or like they’re guiding each other. The name of this free diver who made world news after this unprecedented encounter is Ocean Ramsey.

Author, marine conservationist, scientist, entrepreneur, model, designer, freediver, scuba instructor, nonprofit founder, speaker, safety officer, surfer, world traveler… Powered by a passion for conservation, Hawaii native Ocean Ramsey has tackled so many endeavors it’s hard to keep track of all. Let’s discover some of her most impressive accomplishments so far.

Sharks Never Stop Swimming

The video with the great white shark wasn’t a chance encounter. Ocean has been studying sharks for years. Her book What you should know about sharks explores the language and behavior of these animals. It provides valuable information for healthy interactions with them. Ocean also wrote a children’s book series called The Adventures of Shark Boy and Ocean Girl, based on her experiences with sharks and her conservation efforts. Her third book is set to be published this year, and it will focus on shark and marine conservation.

Plus, she founded One Ocean Organization with her husband, Juan Oliphant, where they focus on changing the perception of sharks and inspiring marine conservation at a global level through education, campaigns, petitions, and policies.

Diving into the Unknown

Ocean Ramsey has also founded One Ocean Diving, a company that provides one-of-a-kind diving experiences in Hawaii. A seasoned freediver herself, Ocean focuses on much more than just swimming underwater. Ocean organizes snorkeling expeditions where divers can learn about sharks from expert marine biologists and enjoy a safe, peaceful, and respectful experience with the animals.

Designing with a Cause

From whale shark yoga leggings to ocean mapping face covers and much more, Ocean has designed a collection of apparel and accessories inspired by life underwater. The pieces feature unique prints and images showcasing the beauty of sharks. All designs are limited edition, and the proceeds go to reef and beach cleanups, educational outreach program, and supports the funding of tags and other equipment for shark researchers and students.

Current Petitions

Ocean and her team are working on three ongoing projects. One is a petition to help protect sharks in the Maldives after the local government considered legalizing shark fishing as a strategy for improving profits from the fisheries industry. She is also accepting signatures to ban shark fin soup from menus in Singapore, the world’s second-largest trader for shark fin. 

Interested in diving with Ocean? Book a stay with us, and we would be happy to arrange one for you!

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